
« We are circus artists, stage acrobats. But before all we are humans, boys and girls without understanding this difference that links and separes us. And we feel like getting our hands dirty and to put on stage a little bit of what goes trough our heads and guts »

Le Poivre Rose (Pink Pepper) is a project born from the union of five artists from Quebec, France and Belgium, gathered by common creative goals and simple human complicity.


Their goal is to create a space, a structure where their ideas, good or bad, simple or great, would be entitled to be tried. A group, a company where to let full freedom to their creativity, where they would have the opportunity to do things as they want: to try.


From their respective careers and training, they now want to make the step from performers to creators, by embracing their first experience of creating and disseminating a live show, wholly theirs.